Singing Magpie Produce

Growers and producers of delicious, premium sun-dried fruit and gourmet goodies on their 100 year old family property in the Riverland, South Australia.

At Singing Magpie Produce we grow and produce delicious, premium sun dried fruit and gourmet goodies for people who care where their food is coming from.

We keep it simple, we don’t skimp on quality and we care about our ecological footprint.

In 2021 we celebrated 100 years of our Heward family orchard.

We are passionate about figs...

Australia grows beautiful figs — plump, juicy, full-flavoured and with jewel-like pink centres that make even the simplest meal feel like a medieval feast. Unfortunately, the season is painfully short and fresh figs are a bugger to transport. Dried figs are the obvious answer. However Australians are used to the bland, grey imported product that are squashed flat and dried hard for their long journey in a shipping container.

At Singing Magpie we saw a huge opportunity to bring local foodies Australian semi-dried figs. Our figs are naturally sun-dried to retain their best figgy qualities, including intense flavour and a decadent chewy, stickiness that blends beautifully with many texture and flavour combinations. Our figs have no additives. We hand pick them, dry them in the beautiful Riverland sun and ship them to you — that’s it!

The plan started small with our semi-dried figs and quinces. Our range has now been expanded to include sticky quince syrup/figs, other local sun dried produce, fruit enrobed in premium dark chocolate couverture and boutique giftboxes.

Where to Buy

Distribution Network

Savour and GraceTwo Providores

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