Uncle Charlie’s Taste of Country

Uncle Charlie’s Taste of Country is a 100% Aboriginal owned and operated business specialising in artisan blending of native food and spices. The first food application of the spice blends was popcorn seasonings.

Raised on Wiradjuri Country (Trangie, NSW), founder Mark McMillian created the family-owned business alongside Mark’s siblings. Celebrating the life of Uncle Charlie Evans, Mark’s grandmother’s brother, the family wanted to create a product that reflected both their culture and the warm and fun-filled way of living that Uncle Charlie was known for in Trangie. And as he was a passionate move buff, popcorn was the perfect solution.

Over time, Uncle Charlie’s have developed popcorn seasonings that have cleverly integrated to reflect familiar flavours such salt and vinegar, and sweet and tangy. The three popcorn variations include: Saltbush and apple cider vinegar, Sunrise limes and lemon myrtle, and Davidson Plum and honey. The popcorn, sourced from Australian-grown corn – watered by the Wiradjuri rivers, is made to be shared and enjoyed.

The environmentally sustainable packaging also tells a Wiradjuri story. The artwork is designed by a family friend and the boxes have been created to be opened into a bowl or dish, known as a coolamon, in which the popcorn can be served.

It’s the intelligence and deeper thinking of a values-driven company and the desire of the family to communicate kindness to all Australians on their reconciliation journey, that is the basis of Uncle Charlie's Taste of Country. This regionally-based business has a purposeful legacy - to support community and relationships through offering an accessible product that balances familiarity and native traditions of blending spices for flavour. In this way, we can all share the food that we love, as well as understand and appreciate culture and Country.

Uncle Charlie’s Taste of Country is far more than delicious popcorn; it’s a powerful and purposeful representation of our shared future.

To find out more about Uncles Charlie’s Taste of Country go to: www.unclecharlies.com.au