Salt Kitchen Charcuterie

Made in Ballarat, Salt Kitchen Charcuterie uses amazing produce from Western Victoria to make charcuterie by hand using European preservation methods.

Established in 2014 Salt Kitchen Charcuterie is the product of an obsession with European food and tradition. We have a commitment to the amazing producers of western Victoria, using produce that is from right from our doorstep.

Our philosophy is simple — start with a quality raw product and preserve that flavour. It is the determining factor every time we make a product or develop something new. The team have spent time in the UK and France to acquire knowledge, skills and the ancient crafts with which we make our products.

We source pigs from Western Plains Pork in Mount Mercer and have worked extensively with the farm to develop an APIQ certified free range pig that is the right size and has the correct muscle structure for the ultimate end product. We utilise the entire carcass to make fresh sausages, hams, bacons, terrines and dry cured products from our pigs.

Sher Wagyu in Ballan provides us with high quality wagyu beef to make pastrami and bresaola.

Salt Kitchen Charcuterie is from one farm, in one region, Western Victoria!

Where to Buy

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